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Moveable Feast has served as a beacon of light for over thirty years, bringing healthy food and compassion to those struggling with chronic illness. The organization was founded during the height of the AIDS epidemic in 1989, to provide food, hope, and love to those living with HIV/AIDS, many of whom were members of the LGBTQ+ community. Moveable Feast has continued to support underserved and vulnerable communities in Baltimore, while also expanding its reach across Maryland and serving people with illnesses such as cancer, diabetes, and heart disease.

Food is at the heart of what we do, and our work has become even more important as more people in our community face food insecurity as a result of the pandemic and concurrent economic crisis. Through the challenges of this last year, Moveable Feast has continued to prepare and deliver medically tailored meals, support, and encouragement to our clients.

To meet the needs of our community, and further strengthen our organization, Moveable Feast will focus on the following five priorities: centering racial and social equity, growing and developing people, partnering to expand reach, demonstrating and improving impact, and engaging the community in our mission. We encourage you to read our strategic vision for 2021 – 2023 and join us as we work towards meeting the needs of our community and further strengthening our organization.

We’re rooted in our history and excited to be forging a path towards our future.

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Strategic Plan Download

To download, click here and save the PDF file.

Moveable Feast’s strategic plan was created in part thanks to the dedicated efforts and support of hyve and Culture Principles LLC.

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2021 Goals

We identified five key areas of focus, and thirteen ambitious goals, that will allow us to fulfill this mission and vision.
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Create charter for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee and define role of Committee by April 30; meet monthly to advance the equity roadmap
Develop and finalize equity roadmap by May 31 and begin implementation
Engage outside partner to complete compensation study and equity analysis of positions, salaries, etc. by Sept. 30 and incorporate recommendations into FY2022 budget and beyond
Provide support and professional development to those managing people to improve manager skill and develop a mechanism to measure team effectiveness by Dec. 31
Facilitate a process for staff to create individual goals and professional development plans with at least 80 percent of staff utilizing the staff development funding
Develop a Board leadership succession plan for Executive Committee and Committee Chair positions by Sept. 30
Create meaningful outcomes and metrics for all programs to demonstrate impact in food security and healthcare costs by May 31 and establish program dashboard for reporting and analysis on a regular basis
Determine approach and process for gathering client feedback on food, program delivery, and program access by Apr. 1; implement client feedback approach and process by Dec. 31
Determine capacity for healthcare contracts, evaluate structure to deliver on contracts, refine product, and establish go-to-market strategy and sales approach by Aug. 31
Define and put into practice a quality, evidence-based intervention for people with diabetes as part of our existing and new health care partnerships that results in improved quality of life, improved health outcomes and decreased healthcare costs by Dec. 31
Share vision, mission, values, and strategic priorities with partners, funders, donors, volunteers, staff by Mar. 30
Engage with outside partner to conduct brand audit and develop a cohesive brand strategy by Aug. 31; begin implementation of brand strategy to amplify brand to engage more supporters throughout Maryland
Equip staff, volunteers, and Board with consistent messaging and build capacity with staff, volunteers, and Board on how to tell Moveable Feast’s impact by Nov. 30
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