Thank you for your interest in Moveable Feast!
In order to receive services from us, your caseworker or doctor’s office will need to submit an application form to us along with some supporting documentation.
Currently we accept referrals for the following medical conditions:
- Active cancer treatment
- Poorly controlled Diabetes
- Recent or significant heart disease (such as a recent heart attack, stroke, or exacerbation of other heart conditions such as Congestive Heart Failure)
- Chronic Kidney Disease (stages 3-5) or End Stage Renal Disease
- Receiving in-home hospice care
Clients must also be in need of nutritional support related to their medical condition. If you have any questions about how to apply for services through a referral source or if you are not sure if you qualify for our program please feel free to contact our office and speak with our Client Services Associates at (410) 327-3420 ext. 15 and 27.